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Who We Are

FPCI Climate Unit Logo

FPCI Climate Unit is a unit of Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) that advocates greater climate security and aims to champion climate activism. In advocating for a green future in Indonesia and the world, the role of youths as the next generation and the grassroots is vital to promoting public awareness and supporting more substantial and rigorous efforts from governments worldwide to tackle climate change.

What We Do

Take Action

Indonesia has to be part of the solution to the climate crisis. To do so, it must reach net-zero emissions or carbon neutrality by 2050, as mandated in the Paris Agreement, in order to keep global warming to 1.5°C and ensure a safe planet for us all.

YOU can also be a part of the solution! Take climate action NOW by signing the petition below!




Kurang dari 100 hari, Pemilu serentak akan dilaksanakan di seluruh Indonesia. Presiden terpilih akan menghadapi tantangan global yakni krisis iklim. Tanpa adanya aksi nyata dari Presiden dan Wakil Presiden terpilih, nasib generasi mendatang berada dalam bahaya. Di 9 tahun masa pemerintahan Joko Widodo, beberapa kebijakan iklim yang cukup signifikan telah mulai dilaksanakan. Beberapa di antaranya mencakup carbon net sink di sektor kehutanan dengan pelestarian mangrove dan gambut, implementasi teknologi dan inovasi hijau, pendanaan iklim seperti Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), serta peluncuran bursa karbon pertama di Indonesia. Menjelang dilaksanakannya pemilu di tahun 2024, menjadi sebuah pertanyaan apakah isu perubahan iklim akan menjadi salah satu topik yang diutamakan di dalam kontestasi politik mendatang. Sebagai negara yang kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati dan sumber daya energi terbarukan yang besar, Indonesia sudah seharusnya dapat berdiri sebagai pemimpin dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan dan mitigasi iklim untuk mencapai target Net-Zero Emission. Mengingat urgensi perubahan iklim, bagaimana Indonesia dapat menjaga kebijakan Net-Zero selama dan pasca Pemilu 2024? Dan, apakah isu iklim akan tetap dijadikan sebuah prioritas selama dan pasca Pemilu 2024? Seberapa yakin kah panel terhadap keberlanjutan dan percepatan kebijakan iklim yang sudah ada saat ini? – In less than 100 days, Indonesia will hold its presidential election. The elected president will confront a global challenge—the climate crisis. The future of generations to come is at risk without concrete action from the President and Vice President-elect. Over the past 9 years of Joko Widodo's administration, several significant climate policies have been initiated. These include establishing a carbon net sink in the forestry sector by preserving mangroves and peatlands, implementing green technology and innovation, securing climate funding through initiatives like the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), and launching Indonesia's first carbon exchange. As the 2024 elections approach, the question arises whether climate change will be a prioritized issue in the upcoming political contest? Given Indonesia's wealth in biodiversity and extensive renewable energy resources, the nation has the potential to emerge as a leader in sustainable development and climate mitigation, working towards the Net-Zero Emission target. Given the urgency of climate change, how can Indonesia sustain its Net-Zero policy during and after the 2024 elections? Will climate issues remain a priority post-2024 election? Lastly, how confident are we in the sustainability and acceleration of existing climate policies?
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